Grade 2

Ledger lines

Ledger lines are extra lines to extend the stave so that notes that are beyond the range of the stave can be notated.

Look at these videos to revise the notes on the Treble and Bass clef using these videos, which also cover ledger lines:

New time signatures

In Grade 2 you encounter time signatures with minim beats and quaver beats. 

Check out these videos to help you: 

Major keys

For Grade 2 you need to know major keys with up 3 sharps and flats in their key signatures. Look at these videos: 


Triplets are three notes in the time of 2, eg. 3 quavers in the time of 2 quavers.  Look at these videos: 

Minor keys

In Grade 2 you need to know the minor keys of A (related to C major), E (related to G major) and D (related to F major). 

Watch these videos: 

Grouping notes and rests.  This covers beaming together quaver and semiquavers in all the time signatures that you have covered to date. Take a look at these videos to help you: 

Intervals - yes, you still have to identify them, but this time it's in minor keys as well as major keys. Watch this video for a reminder: 

Composing Simple Four Bar Rhythms. Read all the information on pages 23 - 25 of the Grade 2 book, then try the exercise on page 26, followed by composing your own rhythms from a given opening on page 27. 

Some of the basics are: 
  1. Check the time signature before you start. 
  2. Always end on a long note. 
  3. Incorporate the rhythm that is in the opening bar into bar 3 of the rhythm. 
  4. Try to use dotted notes, triplets and tied notes in some of your rhythms.