Monday, 12 September 2011

Grade 4 - What you need to know...

Everything that you needed for grades 1, 2 & 3, with the addition of:

All simple and compound duple, triple and quadruple time signatures, and the grouping of notes and
   rests within these times. The breve and its equivalent rest. Double-dotted notes and rests. Duplets.
   Questions will include the composition of a four-bar rhythm or the composition
   of a rhythm to given words.

Alto clef (C clef centred on 3rd line). The identification of notes in the alto clef in any of the keys set for
   this grade (see below), and the transcription at the same pitch of a simple melody from the treble or the
   bass clef to the alto clef, and vice versa. Double sharp and double flat signs, and their cancellation.
   Enharmonic equivalents.

3 Scales and key signatures of all major and minor keys up to and including five sharps and flats, with
   both forms of minor scales. Technical names for the notes of the diatonic scale (tonic, super- tonic, etc.).
   Construction of the chromatic scale. All intervals, not exceeding an octave, between any two diatonic   
   notes in any of the keys set for this grade.

4 The identification and writing of triads (root position) on the tonic, subdominant and dominant notes in
   any of the keys set for this grade. The recognition of (root position) chords on the tonic, subdominant
   and dominant notes in any of the keys set for this grade (the harmonic form of the scale will be used in
   minor keys).

More terms and signs, including the recognition and naming (but not writing out) of the trill, turn, upper
   and lower mordent, acciaccatura and appoggiatura. Questions about a passage of music will include
   simple related questions about standard orchestral instruments.